Thursday, February 11, 2010

A little taste

A whole bleamin' 2 1/2 months since I last posted. That is pure craziness. Indeed. The news? I'm sewing. Yep. Sewing. I fie-nuh-lee started making the long intended blanket for each kiddo. I started with Zev, did Thatch's and am now on Cherish's. I'm having a blast. I have a whole list of other creative projects I want to do but can't until I have my own place. So....I'll stick with the blankets until they're done. I would post a picture of them but my camera is no longer functional. Did I mention I wanted a new one? Oh yeah, well, someday.


kentuckymommy said...

So good to hear some life from the wild acre! Miss you Chas! Is your number still the same? Email me with it so I can touch base! Bless ya chickadee!

Chasity said...

Glad you want to chat with me. I feel special!:) I've been thinking about you too, I'll text someone and get your number. I have nary a digit for ya girl!!