Thursday, October 23, 2008

Here I am

Though I never intended to let two full months pass without nary a blog entry, I've done it and that's that. But here I am to share the latest.....not sure if I can sum up two and a half months of the Akiki Chronicles in one post but I'll at least get started. The most resent news is God is absolutely amazing and I love him so. Okay, so I should start a little before that. In early September, we were heartily praying about what in the world we should do next, do for income, do about our debt (desperately wanting to get out of debt especially after listening to Financial Freedom with Jim Sammons....SOOO hairy good, and I highly, HIGHLY recommend it...more on that later...), do about Texas (stay here or move), la la, we had so many huge decisions to make that we were beginning to despair. Then God sent us to NC for a few weeks to pray for our dear friend Steve Hingle and be with our friends there. While there, the Lord showed us, somewhat what to do, which was to sell our place here in Texas and move. So, we came home with that intent. But here we are a couple of weeks later with no income and asking God, what in the meantime? Here's where we differ from the mainstream (hold up, stop the clock, the Akiki's are by no means mainstream in any sense of the word, so when I say Here we differ, that doesn't make a hankin' lot of sense, but bare with me), one would logically say, Uh, hello, man get job...problem solved. After all isn't that what we should do? Well, something in us said no, though it makes no logical hairy sense and we couldn't understand it. But what about your business you say? John was ready to stop soap (but not really...that's a whole different post...) and didn't feel he should landscape anymore so what do we do until our place sells? Two days ago, Tuesday, we were praying and John decided to fast and pray about this caution we feel about taking a job right now. It's so weird I tell ya and he's getting ALOT of pressure from the outside to get a "job". Now we know that he very well could and that'd not necessarily be wrong, but it wouldn't be God's best for us right now and that's what we want (John's words). So, despite all this conflicting thoughts he's had on the subject, we were going with what God told us. Okay, yesterday, he decided to fast and pray for 48 hours, and the kids and I prayed for the Lord to clearly show dad something before we started school, and as we were praying that, John got a call from a friend, well actually we don't know them very well, it's the sister of a friend and the Lord had laid us on their hearts so they extended an invitation for us to come there and they would pay John to help them build their house!! Voila, income!!! God be glorified. It was as if he said, "I'm here, don't ever doubt my love for you." We were so amazed at God's timing and all that. So I'll leave you with that so you can revel in God's goodness and I'll share more later.


traci said...

isn't God cool?? we were pondering moving, well actually packing and praying. so we got together and prayed for God to show us in a definite way what we were supposed to do, and BAM !!!!! He did. We stopped questioning the what's and how's? We still cannot figure some things out but, hey He has my best interest and I just need to listen when He speaks :) Glad things are moving in Gods way for you guys... lots of love traci

Chasity said...

Thanks Traci, I know I just love when God moves like that and shows Himself strong on our behalf...blessings!

Seasonsmom said...

Well,lady! It's finally post time, huh? And I am only a few days behind on cacthing up on you. NOw, I resigned for your rss so I can see when you post (since my laptop crashed everything I had bookmarked crashed with it). So, it was good to hear it from you, not from MB. I am so glad GOD has worked it all out for both of you! Praise Jesus! I am also tickled pink that I was part of the plan too. MB called me like 3 times to get your number. It was neat! Glad to hear from you. We plan on visiting them when Ben gets home from Panama. SO, if you are still around I might get to actually talk to you, not like in March. Gee, you were busy! Enjoy MB and her hubby! Hope they get www while you are there. Blog on, now will I? Love ya, Nat